Dont get too excited

Dont get too excited

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Two wins, two clean sheets and five points clear of the drop zone.Victories over Wolves and Sunderland arent to be sniffed at even though both looked very poor and Rovers have given themselves every chance of avoiding relegation.But with QPR beating Liverpool and Bolton away next, dont be popping any champagne corks just yet.Despite the positivity on the pitch, nothings really changed off it. The club David Long Jr. Jersey still has owners who dont communicate and a manager about as popular with the fans as a fox in a hen-house.Theres been a few whispers in the stands the protests against Steve Kean should stop, and he deserves a chance. It appears the majority still feel le s than happy with Venkys.Whether Kean stays as manager remains to be seen the owners seem delighted with him regardle s of results but its those owners who need to come clean about their intentions for the club.After over a year of lies and false promises AJ Jackson Jersey , the fans deserve some answers. With further protests being considered over the coming weeks, its clear the fans are continuing to fight for their club.Allowing a couple of decent results to cloud the bigger picture could be dangerous.If Rovers do avoid relegation, will the owners invest in the team in the summer? If they went down, would they provide enough funds to ensure the club bounced straight back?The list of unanswered questions is probably endle s, but its the lack of communication that really winds the fans up.Rumours coming out of the BRFC Action Group have suggested the club are willing to meet with the protesters but unwilling for the content of the meeting to be shared with the fans at large. Quite how they think thats helpful is anyones gue s.While the owners stay away fromEwood and refuse to engage in open dialogue, it simply adds fuel to the fire and does no-one any favours.If they really are genuine and honourable people, it surely makes sense to explain once and for all their vision for the club. No lies. No Cooper Kupp Jersey spin. Just cold, hard facts so everyone knows where they stand. Surely thats the least the fans can expect?
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